The Graham Ecroyd Trust

Grant Making Policy

This policy sets out the use of any assets or income that is held within the trusteeship of The Graham Ecroyd Trust ("The Trust").

The Trust has two targets:

1. Sustainable Communities

The aim is to help communities to become sustainable, where currently they are not and to encourage the creation of sustainable communities.

By 'Community', we mean any group of people that have a common heart - that heart could be economic, geographic or spiritual.  Such communities could be of any size.

By 'sustainable' we mean for communities to maximise the use of energy from means which have a low cost on natural resources: both physical and human, and to be tenable within the context of the wider society.


Examples of sustainability, in this context, are:

·         cultural, ethnic and sociological harmony

·         non-violence

·         use of alternative energy, low-pollution and low fuel-use; specifically in the context of transport


Examples of how sustainability could be promoted are:

·         education in ethnic and cultural awareness and tolerance

·         personal development of young people to understand and implement sustainability

·         supporting disadvantaged groups in order to empower them to create sustainable lifestyles

·         supporting/creating communities that set examples of sustainable society

·         supporting victims of crime and violence in ways that break cycles of crime

·         supporting activities that bring out peoples' or communities' natural strengths


Small component parts of large communities would be considered worthy of support, if the activities promote sustainability of the wider community.


The scope of this activity is primarily through the development of communities within in the Bristol and South West region of the UK. 


2. The work of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain and overseas, with a particular preference for Quaker work in Africa.




·         The Trust is unlikely to accept bids from National organisations unless the criteria laid out in this policy  can be demonstrated for a specific project

·         The Trust’s resources are limited and to date most grants have been less £1000.

·         No bid will be considered other than via the approved application form

·         Any project or activity supported by the Trust, must be inclusive in its nature.​



The Trustees, December 2014.